Today was such a busy day! I needed a quick pick me up and could not decide what to make to get me thru to dinner.  I looked all over the kitchen cabinets and noticed I had all the ingredients to make these monster cookie energy bites.  I have made different versions of these in the past and loved how delicious, healthy and not to mention easy they are to make!

These bites are stored in the fridge making them such an easy snack for when you are on your way out the door for work or just needing a sweet treat.  Who doesn’t love the combination of oats, peanut butter, honey, chocolate chips, and m&m’s! They are so easy to make and take less than 10 minuets to prep you will be eating them up in no time.  This is a great recipe to get the kids involved in too, if they don’t eat the ingredients before they get in the bowl!